HALO Smart Sensor

The Ultimate Health & Safety Monitoring Solution

Backman Vidcom proudly presents the HALO Smart Sensor—an innovative all-in-one IoT solution for health, safety, and vape detection, crafted to foster secure and healthy environments seamlessly. This advanced technology seamlessly integrates with existing security measures, offering comprehensive monitoring while safeguarding privacy. HALO fills the gaps traditional security systems can't reach, as it doesn't gather any personally identifiable information (PII). It equips you with real-time, situationally relevant data, enabling informed and decisive actions when necessary.

Ensure a Safer Environment

Innovative Health and Safety Monitoring

Comprehensive Detection

The HALO Smart Sensor offers an all-in-one solution for monitoring air quality, detecting vape, THC, and smoke, and ensuring safety through sound detection in privacy areas where cameras are not permitted.

Cloud Connectivity

Manage multiple HALO devices with ease through HALO Cloud, which offers real-time analytics, historical data, and customizable alerts to maintain a healthy and secure environment.

Real-Time Alerts

Instead of relying on post-incident reports, frontline staff receive instant notifications about vaping, THC use, and noise disturbances. This proactive approach allows them to respond swiftly and prevent escalation.

Technology Integrations

Whether it’s integrating with your buildings HVAC to create a smart ventilation system, merging with your existing video management system (VMS), or other life safety systems, HALO strategically focuses on maximizing the potential of all systems to help create a safe and healthy environment.

Privacy Protection

HALO 3C is designed to protect individual privacy, operating without cameras or audio recording, and never capturing personally identifiable information (PII).

Key Features

Health Monitoring

  • Air Quality Index

  • Carbon Monoxide and Dioxide Levels

  • Nitrogen Dioxide

  • Humidity and Temperature

  • TVOC and Particulate Matter


  • Gunshot and Aggression Detection

  • Emergency Keyword Alerting

  • Panic Button Functionality

  • Motion and Tamper Alerts

Halo Amplify External Sensor

  • iPANIC button

  • Temp/Humidity

  • Door/Window Contact

  • Water Flood / Standing Water sensor

  • People Counting/Line Crossing

Vape Detection

  • Vape and Smoke Detection

  • THC Detection

  • Vape Masking Alerts


  • Apply Logic Commands to Events

  • Data Tracking

  • Create / Customize / Personalize

  • Unlimited Customization


Enhanced Situational Awareness

The HALO Smart Sensor provides real-time site monitoring, giving stakeholders a comprehensive view of their environment. Whether it’s air quality, safety incidents, or vaping detection, you’ll have the insights needed to make informed decisions.

Immediate Response Capability

When an event or alert occurs, the HALO Smart Sensor ensures swift action. Stakeholders can respond promptly, minimizing risks and maximizing safety.

Privacy-First Approach

Our sensor operates without invasive video or audio transmission or recording, respecting privacy while delivering high-performance security.

Comprehensive Coverage

Monitor multiple environmental and safety parameters with a single device, ensuring a full spectrum of protection.


Stop Vandalism, Lower Your Costs!

Reduce vandalism by providing immediate alerts pinpointing the exact location of an event. With real-time notifications, security personnel can swiftly respond to incidents, preventing further damage and ensuring a safer environment. Whether it’s a school, office, or public space, the HALO Smart Sensor empowers stakeholders to take decisive action and protect valuable assets.

Help stop the impacts of illicit vaping, vaping with THC, and smoking

Bathrooms and locker rooms are a big area where these vaping activities take place, and these are private areas. This is a way to detect those types of activities without being invasive.


Educational Institutions

Empower school administrators to proactively address safety concerns and optimize learning environments.

Healthcare and Long-Term Care (LTC) Facilities

Equip healthcare professionals with real-time data to enhance patient care and emergency response.

Public and Affordable Housing

HALO also alerts to a wide range of environmental pollutants and other risk factors – helping to improve residents’ overall quality of life. 

Corporate Offices

Give facility managers the tools they need to create safer workspaces and respond effectively.

Hospitality Industry

From hotels to event venues, the HALO Smart Sensor ensures guest safety without compromising privacy.

HALO Cloud:

Advanced Data Management for Enhanced Safety

HALO Alerts right in your hand.

 Designed to empower your team with data-driven insights, the HALO Cloud online dashboard is where you can manage multiple devices, receive real-time Health Index and AQI alerts and reporting, and see alerts and historical data, allowing you to document your buildings’ health status and trouble areas. 

Key Benefits:

  • Instant Alerts: Set up customizable email and push notifications to be immediately informed about critical sensor readings or emergency situations.

  • Real-Time Monitoring: Keep a vigilant eye on your premises with live tracking of events and sensor levels, ensuring a prompt response to any incident.

  • Insightful Analytics: Gain valuable insights with heat maps and trend graphs, visualizing data to understand and improve your environment.

  • Data at Your Fingertips: Easily access and download historical data for in-depth analysis and reporting, fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

Choose HALO Cloud for a Future-Proof Environment

Opt for the HALO Cloud solution and join forces with Backman Vidcom, your trusted ally in crafting secure, intelligent, and eco-friendly spaces. Together, we can shape a future where safety and sustainability go hand in hand.

Canada’s Exclusive HALO CLOUD

 Motorola, the parent company of IP Video, has partnered with data-storage provider AWS Montreal, thereby guaranteeing that all data, whether in transit or at rest, benefits from End-to-End Encryption and remains securely within Canadian jurisdiction, adhering to the nation’s stringent privacy laws and regulations.